Sports Injuries in Gilbert AZ

Interventional Pain Management Gilbert AZ Jogging Injury

Welcome to Healios Pain Management, where we specialize in providing luxury pain management services for patients suffering from sports injuries. Sports injuries in Gilbert AZ can be caused by a variety of factors, including overuse, poor technique, and impact during physical activity. They can greatly impact your ability to participate in sports and other physical activities, as well as limit your mobility and independence.

Symptoms of Sports Injuries in Gilbert AZ

The symptoms of sports injuries can vary depending on the type and severity of the injury. Some common symptoms of sports injuries include:

  1. Pain or discomfort in the affected area
  2. Swelling or bruising
  3. Limited range of motion or stiffness in the affected area
  4. Numbness or tingling in the affected area
  5. Instability or weakness in the affected joint or muscle

Why Choose Healios Pain Management for Sports Injury Treatment

At Healios Pain Management, our team of experienced physicians specializes in the treatment of sports injuries. We use a multidisciplinary approach that addresses the physical, emotional, and social factors that can contribute to your pain.
We offer a range of treatment options, including injections, physical therapy, and medication management, to help alleviate your pain and promote healing. Our goal is to provide you with a comprehensive treatment plan that addresses your individual needs and targets the root cause of your sports injury.

Our clinic provides a luxurious and modern setting that is designed to make you feel at ease and comfortable throughout your treatment. We prioritize patient comfort and satisfaction and work tirelessly to create personalized treatment plans tailored to your unique needs.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment and start your journey towards pain-free living. At Healios Pain Management, we are committed to providing the highest quality care for patients suffering from sports injuries. Let us help you get back to the activities you love.

Begin To Heal - Get In Touch

Don't suffer in silence. Take the first step towards healing and contact us today to discuss treatment options that can help you lead a happier, more fulfilling life.


8:00am - 5:00pm

8:00am - 5:00pm

8:00am - 5:00pm

8:00am - 5:00pm

8:00am - 5:00pm

Saturday & Sunday

Healios Pain Management

3341 E Queen Creek Rd #109
Gilbert, AZ 85297

(480) 932-6799